Shetland Ponies From Shetland


Yell Show 2012 - 1st September 2012

Registered Shetland Ponies (Yell Show is not affiliated)
Judge: Pam Williamson and Sheena Anderson

Best Turned Out 10 yrs and under
1st - Connie Dickie with Loanin Kassy - Overall Best Turnout
2nd - Bethany Dickie with Klingrahoull Tessa
3rd - Sarah Thomason with Friester Elegance

Best Turned Out 11-16 yrs
1st - Alannah Spence with Klingrahoull Gypsy
2nd - Leanne Spence with Finnister Aragorn
3rd - Nicole Hughson with Solo's Spindrift

Young Handlers 10yrs and under
1st - Sarah Thomason with Friester Elegance
2nd - Connie Dickie with Loanin Kassy
3rd - Martha Colclough with Gunnelsta Bella

Young Handlers 11- 16yrs
1st - Leanne Spence with Finnister Aragorn - Overall Best Young Handler
2nd - Ming Sandford with Klingrahoull Tessa
3rd - Brodie Lawson with Karrfax Avatar

1st - Connie Dickie with Loanin Kassy

Junior Gelding
1st - Leanne Spence with Hestigeo Trookyr - Overall Best Gelding
2nd - Brodie Lawson with Karrfax Avatar
3rd - Dickie Family with Hildasay Skerrie

Senior Gelding
1st - Leanne Spence with Finnister Aragorn
2nd - Nicole Hughson with Solo's Spindrift

Licensed Stallion
1st - Dickie Family with Shoormal Vire

Filly 1yr
1st - Olga Hughson with Loanin Maya
2nd - Alannah Spence with Hestigeo Gunhilda
3rd - Laura Baisley with Efftigarth Cherry

Filly 2yr - No entries

Filly 3yrs
1st - Dickie Family with Friester Elegance

Brood Mare - None forward on the day

Colt Foal - None forward on the day

Filly Foal - No entries

Yeld Mare
1st - Dickie Family with Klingrahoull Gypsy - Overall Best Mare, Best Broken Coloured
2nd - Dickie Family with Klingrahoull Tessa

Miniature Pony
1st - Laura Baisley with Gunnelsta Bella
2nd - Laura Baisley with Effstigarth Charm

Veteran Pony
1st - Laura Baisley with Gunnelsta Bella
2nd - Dickie Family with Waterloo Christeen

Junior Progeny
1st - Dickie Family with Hestigeo Trookyr and Gunhilda (by Clivocast Viking) - Overall Progeny
2nd - Olga and Nicole Hughson with Loanin Maya and Europa (by Clibberswick Aquila)
3rd - Hay and Dickie Family with Hildasay Sepia and Skerrie

Senior Progeny
1st - Dickie Family with Finnister Aragorn and Klingrahoull Gypsy (ex Graciela of Lower Mailand)

Group 3 Ponies
1st - Dickie Family with Friester Elegance, Klingrahoull Gypsy, Finnister Aragorn
2nd - Dickie Family with Hestigeo Trooky, Hestigeo Gunhilda, Klingrahoull Tessa
3rd - Olga and Nicole Hughson with Solo's Spindrift, Loanin Maya, Loanin Europa

Junior Champion
Olga Hughson with Loanin Maya

Reserve Champion
Leanne Spence with Hestigeo Trookyr

Senior Champion
Dickie Family with Klingrahoull Gypsy

Reserve Champion
Dickie Family with Shoormal Vire

Overall Champion
Olga Hughson with Loanin Maya

Reserve Champion
Dickie Family with Klingrahoull Gypsy